Call for Papers
Important Deadlines
- Full paper submission: March 22th, 2025
- Notification of Acceptance: April 21th, 2025
- Camera-ready: April 28th, 2025
- Author registration: May 05th, 2025
Click to Open Topics
- Applications and experiences
- Social computing
- Social sensing applications
- Human information processing
- Complex social systems
- Mobile phones as social sensors (Mobile sensing)
- Wearable sensing
- Data protection
- Exploring Social Sensing for tourism
- Smart Transportation
- Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation
- Innovative Public Policies
- Transport and Sustainable Urban Mobility
- Economic Equity
- Sustainable
- Urban Development
- New technologies
- Industrial IoT
- Smart Manufacturing
- Horizontal application development for IoT
- Smart Home, Building Management and Operation Automation
- IoT Experimental Results and Deployment Scenarios
- Environmental Monitoring
- Green IoT: Sustainable Design and Technologies
- Cyber-physical systems
- Connected Car – Automotive
- Autonomous vehicles
- Big data and IoT Data Analytics
- 5G Networks
- Tactile Internet
- Legacy Networks
- Software Defined Networks
- Sensor Network
- Massive IoT
- Fog Computing
- Edge Computing
- Cloud Computing / frameworks
- Smart City Logistics on Cloud Computing Model
- Smart Tele-healthcare
- Wearable Devices in Healthcare
- Smart garments & Textil
- Healthcare, e-Health, Assisted Living
- Smart Telecardiolgy and Telenursing
- Medication adherence and health monitoring
- Telemedicine for rural
- Smart health and big data
- IoT analysis and applications
- Bioinformatics and precision medicine
- E-health and m-health governance
- Medical device interoperability
- Security and privacy
- Integration of the digital and the physical environment
- Security Risks That Threaten Smart Cities
- Data and identity theft
- Security and Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- Cryptography, key management and authorization for IoT
- Data integrity
- Security and Privacy
- Reliability aspects in sensor networks
- Monitoring distributed sensor networks
- Secure communication in sensor networks
– Papers must be written in English. Submissions should be original, unpublished, limited to 6 double-column pages (including all images and references), and follow the standard IEEE double-column conference template .
– Only PDF files will be accepted.
– The submissions must uploaded on the conference website.
– Accepted and presented papers will be published in the SCLA 2025 Conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore and also to other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
– Further guidelines for paper preparation and submission are given in the Submission Guidelines tab of this page.
– Accepted papers should meet the following guidelines:
- Accepted papers must be presented in oral sessions, which is mandatory to be submitted in the conference proceedings (IEEE Xplore database, including ISBN).
- The official conference language is English; so, the conference presentations will be in English.
– All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures (template).
– When preparing your manuscript, please pay also attention to the following:
- Only the maximum number of up 5 co-authors per article will be allowed.
- If your paper has been prepared using Microsoft Word, please ensure that you have used the most current version which will help reduce word-to-pdf conversion issues such as embedded fonts, bookmarks, etc.
- No page numbers and no headers/footers
Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and not sent for a conference on the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE SCLA conference will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.